Narator : At the night when Kirana was going to sleep, Galuh Ajeng went to Kirana’s room.Ĭandra Kirana : “Ooh, I’m so sleepy right now. If someone found it, it will change into Candra Kirana again.” Witch : “The spell is ‘man man man man man cung cung cung cung cung’ remember, after she turned into the snail, you must throw it to the river.

Witch : “You must splash this liquid on her body and say the spell.” (give a bottle liquid) It can change Candra Kirana into golden snail.” Witch : “I can change her into golden snail.” Galuh Ajeng : “Then, what can you do to remove Candra Kirana?” Galuh Ajeng : “I want you to kill Candra Kirana.” Thank you so much.”Ījeng (said to herself): “I need to find a way to separate the Prince and the Princess before they get married I really hate this moment.” Kirana : “I just can give my heart for you. I will always love you forever I promise.”

May they will be happy until the end of time and they will marry one month after this moment I’m happy now and I hope all of you feel what I feel.” The King : “ladies and gantleman! today, my daughter Kirana enganged with Raden InuKertapati. The day when Kirana enganged with a kind and wise person from Kahuripan Queendom named Raden Inu Kertapati. She looked a way to get rid of Ajeng Candra Kirana. Ajeng did not enjoy the news because she also wanted to become the wife of the Prince. Narator : The people in the Kingdoms celebrated the good news of the engagement andevery one was happy, except one. Kirana it’s better than you, she is smarter, prettier than you, and she has good behaviour too”Ījeng : “It’s not fair to me, i never disagree with this.” Kirana :“yes, my father I will do it for our queendom, for you, and for my love.”Ījeng : “What? I disagree with this. I want you to enganged with Radden Inu Kertaparti from the kingdom of Kahuripan” Chandra Kirana was purpose to Inu Kertapati. Narator : Kertamarta was the King of Daha. Amanat dari dongeng ini adalahhh “berbuat baiklah pada semua orang, karena kebaikan membawamu pada keindahan sedangkan kejahatan akan membawamu dengan kesengsaraan.” Semoga membantu ya, gaes ^_^

Hai gaes.! aku dapet tugas sekolah bahasa Inggris, nah kebetulan tugasnya adalah menampilkan dramaaa!! aku dan kelompokku ngambil cerita keong mas dan 1 kelompok harus ada 6 orang.