Those txt files need to be placed in your user data folder. The header needs to have a certain structure so Cubase can recognise it, but the rest is really just patchnames and their PC,MSB,LSB. I did one myself for my DGX 650 keyboard. They are simple txt files containing patch names and corresponding midi messages needed to recall a patch. You can create a patch script file yourself. If I can fix this for this single voice, then I can fix all of them! do I need to have these information to correctly map the patch. When I open the Patch Banks of each preset (voice), it contains two rows one is Bank select 14 Bit and Program Change. I tried to explore the settings inside PSR-970 in MIDI Device manager. However, the cubase track is unable to trigger S.Art! Vibes&JazzGuitar in my PSR-3000. I updated the PC# from 11 to 12 ( based on the published Data List manual by Yamaha for my PSR-A3000). The name of the voice is S.Art! Vibes&JazzGuitar it is in the Percussion folder. I was wondering if anyone could help me to fix this: In fact, it works for many voice presets except a few. In my first attempt, I added PSR-S970 and did some tweak to get it work. They told me in their email response to ask this forum for help. Unfortunately, there is none and Yamaha is not willing to create one for it.

I recently purchased PSR-A3000 and desperately need to have a cubase Patch Script for it.