The plot emphasizes to the love story of Habibie and Ainun since the first met until they were apart. Habibie & Ainun is based on the real story of two big figures of this country. This is also about the love for the country. This movie tells about the love story of Habibie and Ainun, for Habibie, Ainun was eyes for him to see his life. Rudy Habibie who was genius and the expert about aircraft had desire to serve for Indonesia by making an airplane.

When he came home, Rudi met Hasri Ainun besari or Ainun (Bunga Citra Lestari) her friend at school and she had been a doctor at that time. While Ainus is a clever young doctor with wide open career for her.īacharuddin Jusuf Habibie and Rudi (Reza Rahardian) came back to Indonesia leaving his research to reach for his doctor of engineering in German for a while because of his tuberculosis.

Rudy Habibie is a genius person and aircraft expert who has big dreams: serve the country, Indonesia by making planes to unite Indonesia.

It is about the third President of Indonesia and the first Lady, The story about Habibie and Ainun. This story tells about the first love and last love. Motivated by Indias political strife, Pis parents decide to move the family to Canada on June 21, 1977, they set sail in a cargo ship, along with a crew and many cages full of zoo creatures.This is the story about what happen if you find your soulmate. Pi, brought up as a Hindu, discovers Christianity, then Islam, choosing to practice all three religions simultaneously. We learn that Pis father once ran the Pondicherry Zoo, teaching Pi and his brother, Ravi, about the dangerous nature of animals by feeding a live goat to a tiger before their young eyes. Pi is named after the Piscine Molitor, a Parisian swimming club with two pools that Adirubasamy used to frequent. He describes how Francis Adirubasamy, a close business associate of his fathers and a competitive swimming champion, taught him to swim and bestowed upon him his unusual name. He explains that he has suffered intensely and found solace in religion and zoology. Pi narrates from an advanced age, looking back at his earlier life as a high school and college student in Toronto, then even further back to his boyhood in Pondicherry. Part One is narrated in the first person by Pi. The author then shifts into the story itself, but not before telling his reader that the account will come across more naturally if he tells it in Pis own voice. There, while sipping coffee in a caf in the town of Pondicherry, he met an elderly man named Francis Adirubasamy who offered to tell him a story fantastic enough to give him faith in God. PLOTIn an Authors Note, an anonymous author figure explains that he traveled from his home in Canada to India because he was feeling restless.